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about us


Charity Matters

Bakaramoh Foundation (BF-WA) is a nonpolitical and nongovernmental organization operating in the sub regions of West Africa primarily Sierra Leone, Guinea and Ivory Coast. It was founded by a revered Sierra Leonean – Fatu Dukuray- who presently resides in United State of America. The organization was born out of the desire of the founder to promote development in West Africa specifically to people that are living through the excruciations of poverty, social stigmatization, political and cultural inequalities. Most importantly also, she was inspired by her late Father Alhaji Bakaramoh Dukuray (NKORO) who was a successful businessman, a humanitarian and a philanthropist who helped many poor children,  orphans, disables, poor families and deprived communities with shelters, educational opportunities and financial assistance among other things. Growing up in a home seeing her father doing these humanitarian activities, she had always dreamt of taking that foot step in a bigger platform where more poor people and underdeveloped communities in the region can have greater access to wealth and development as well as play her part in national development. 

Therefore, Bakaramoh Foundation was founded against that backdrop, and since its establishment the organization has been working tirelessly to achieve its aims and objectives. Through their programmes for disable, the organization every year gives different kinds of financial and social assistance to disable communities in Freetown, Conakry and Abijan; also, the organization has been very active in helping poor rural women with farming equipments as well as organizing sensitization activities to promote awareness to those rural communities on the need to enhance gender inequality. 

Aims and Objectives


To engage Government and its development on mainstreaming disability issues into national development programs and agendas in 50 years


To raise global citizens’ mindset about disability issues to increase understanding around support to persons with disability as enshrined in disability national, regional and international Human Rights Laws, covenants, convention and treaties.


  1. To increase disable persons and other vulnerable groups full involvement and active participation in the daily social, economic and political life of their communities to enhance self and national development.


  1. To advocate, promote and advance issues of women, children and young girls for maximum realization of their potentials.


  1. To participate, promote and support youth’s issues and activities for constructive community and national engagement.


  1. Contribute to increased access to pro poor food security and agricultural production.

Our Vision

To see a society were Persons with Disabilities, vulnerable women and children are fully involved and actively participating in the daily social, economic and political life of their communities to make the world an equitable place to live regardless of our physical shapes, colour, gender, religion, economic and political status and live in dignity and respect to enjoy life to the fullest.

Our Mission

To restore peace in homes by creating the enabling environment for Persons with Disabilities, vulnerable women and children to develop through business and life skills acquisition and provision of education and welfare support to enjoy life to the fullest and participate actively in the daily social, economic and political life and discuss of their communities without barriers.

How will
your donation
be used?

At Bakaramoh Foundation, we help people with disabilities, women & children become less dependent on others for their alternative daily living activities (ADL). Every dollar donated to the Bakaramoh Foundation is used to further the mission of the foundation. This means that your donation could be used to help create resources that will help the above measured find hope, as this foundation giving women and children the opportunity to learn life-changing self-defense skills, or it could be used for a specific project. “Our goal is to raise fund to fund our programs as we have been doing this work with no help from anyone. Your donation will help take Bakaramoh to the next level.”

Fatu Dukuray

founder's Story

Our founder, Fatu Dukuray, wanted to rebuild her life following a high-level spinal cord injury. Fatu got her disability at aged 10. She was totally oblivious about disability. Fatu found herself tetraplegic, unable to seat or walk. She coming face to face with disability in a country where many people believe that disability is caused by supernatural forces, curses and as ‘punishment’ for the person wrongdoings. She was taken to few hospitals. After several years of trying different hospitals, Fatu’s parents were told to take her to witch doctors. There, she faced all the odds that defined disability in Africa.  In some communities in African countries, it is believed that people with disabilities are possessed by demons. In sort, they are seen as punishment for the person or the person’s family members past sins. Some conditions are blamed on ancestral curses, or witchcraft. 

There are so many myths related to witchcraft. That’s the reason why some families are ashamed of their love ones that have disabilities, but in Fatu Dukursy’s case, her father Alhaji Bakaramoh refused to believe in those myths.


Alhaji Bakaramoh Dukuray was a successful diamond businessman, and a philanthropist. He helped many families, and people with disabilities to improved their lives. He provided his communities with shelters, educational opportunities and financial assistance among other things. “I grow up in a home seen my father and my siblings cared for me unconditionally. No one had ever treated me, in my family, with the myth surrounding disability in Africa. My father was dedicated to his work and his humanitarian activities but that did not prevent him from caring for me. So, I had always dreamt of taken my father’s foot step in a bigger platform. Not many people were luck as I was. Most of my fellow disables were beggars across the street and don’t have place to call home. They were abandoned by their parents, their communities and the government”



All Disabled and vulnerable women and children have the right to live in safety and dignity. BFI-SL will build safety through healthy social practices and inclusion to improve on respect, self-care and confidentiality in its work.


We believe that love is the answer and it is only out of love that Orphans, children, girls and young women with Disabilities are at the heart of everything we do and therefore, love shall be the central theme of our work.


We ensure that appropriate mechanisms exist for accountability on decisions and actions.


Provide quality services to our beneficiaries, donors and other stakeholders.


We are transparent in all our programs and activities especially to donors, beneficiaries and stakeholders and amongst the employ and general public.


We are committed to the highest standard of our obligations and agreements.


We are committed to identifying and understanding human feelings, pains, distress, interests, sympathy and sorrow for others sufferings.

our team


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